Want to see your plushies in the local children's store or your earrings on the rack at a favorite boutique? Follow these steps detailing how to sell your crafts to stores:
Pick a Store That's a Good Fit
Take a browse around the shop, in person or online. Does your work belong there?
Find Out Their Business Model
There are generally two methods of how to sell your crafts to stores: consignment and wholesale. Consignment stores will pay you when your item sells, while wholesalers will pay you upfront. Consignment stores are generally more likely to take a chance on a new artist.
Do Your Research on How to Sell Your Crafts to Stores
When you're working to get your product in stores, you'll find that every store operates a little differently and has its own rulesFind out how the store gets new items. Many consignment stores have submission policies listed on their websites.

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Get in Touch
If the store does list its submission policies online, follow those directions carefully, and wait to hear back. If the store doesn't have a set submission policy, call or drop by in person. Explain briefly what you do, let them know you'd like to get your product in stores, and ask to set up an appointment with the store's buyer.
Be Professional
When you meet with a store's buyer or the person in charge of consignment, show up early. Bring samples and business cards, and know what you'll say if the buyer says “Tell me about your work.”
Have an Appropriate Retail Price
Most stores will split profits from the sticker price of your item 60/40 or 50/50. Pick an appropriate retail price.
If You Get Rejected, Try Somewhere Else
There are so many reasons why a store might choose not to take your work when you're starting to learn how to sell your crafts to stores. Many of those reasons have nothing to do with whether or not you make a good product. Keep trying!
Promote the Store
If you get your product in stores, show them some love and send your customers there. You won't get as much money as if you sold to someone directly, but you'll be helping out a store that's helping you out.
Image: A quirky, excellent storefront: You could be here!
Photo credit: Meg Favreau